Thursday, 18 August 2011

A quiet one this morning will see Denver Windmill collecting their order of pies. I will be really I interested to see how this batch goes, all made with Spelt flour and I have changed some of the fat ratios. All smell wonderful as usual.
Other than that today is straight forward for me. My son Deryn on the other hand has a full day in Addenbrookes ahead of him.
This morning he is nil by mouth ahead of a lumbar puncture and nice big dose of spinal chemotherapy.
He behaves like he just going for a drive with his Mum, when in fact he will be given an anaesthetic and then a large needle pushed into his spinal column. Then his spine is flushed with a cocktail of drugs aimed at flushing out any lingering cancer cells.
I take my hat off to him in total admiration for his strength and courage.
It is because of having Deryn in my life that I find it impossible to get upset when people on social media sites criticise my choice of cupcake flavourings, or speculate about my sexuality.

Onwards and upwards.

This coming week is ram packed so I may be pushed for time as far as blogging is concerned.

Deryn flies to Ireland on Sunday as he will be staying at Barretstown Castle as part of a week long adventure camp.
He is looking forward to it and Callie and I will be taking the opportunity to take a two night break in Brighton.
Callie has booked a table at Norman Cook's Sushi restaurant and we aim to enjoy ourselves for a couple of days before heading back to normality.

Pie orders are up as I have to bake enough for Denver Mill, the Thetford Food and Drink festival (27th August) as well as samples for a new farm shop due to open in mid September.

So some fairly intense days of baking and travelling ahead. Oh and I will be going to the Hub Feast at The Hub in Kingscross on the evening of the 25th if anyone wants to come and say hello.

That's all for now, see you all soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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